The name of this disturbing footwear is Botas Picudas...When I first saw these pictures, I would have bet my firstborn child that it was some sort of Saturday Night Live sketch or internet hoax. But no. When I did process this and accept it as a reality, my first coherent thought was: Well, now I know what happens when a Cholo fornicates with a Leprechaun. Well it gets worse. Evidently it becomes a mark of manhood, the longer you can make the boot tips. check out these pics:
Disturbed yet? You should be. The day Samuel told me about these things, I had to show the spouse immediately upon my return home from work. My wife, often the voice of reason in the relationship so eloquently put it like this, "WHAT THE HELL?" Very astutely, she posed the question, how could a culture so hell-bent on Machismo have such a ridiculous trend? I second that. I can accept the the sprarkley- tinseled details sewn into traditional Mariachi-wear...even the clearly feminine-sounding gritas done in Norteno music, but seriously? The pointy boots are a sign of manhood? Over compensation for phallic inadequacies may be the more appropriate diagnosis. Why can't my people just get a giant truck or red-convertible sports car like every other culture?
It looks like this bastardized paisa-elf trend comes from a type of "tribal" music in which the dancers had long pointy boots. As it became more and more popularized, it became a more and more common to see who could have the longest boots. Clearly in this case, the winner is the clear loser. Back to the music part...I was almost as equally shocked that the music this trend coincides with is more of a techno-house meets raggaeton style. I would have guessed more Duranguense personally. Here is an example:
I, to be honest dig the music. It's no Wisin y Yandel or Aventura, but it's catchy. I am just praying that for the sake of my people, this trend doesn't make its way across the desk of Bill O'Reilly or someone of the like. My people have enough trouble staying off the conservative's radar, all this does is give more fuel for the argument of how Latinos are corrupting good ol' American society. And if for some reason, in a couple of months, this catches on in America, and I am driving through Edina, Minnesota and see suburban white teenagers walking around with ridiculously pointy shoes, I may have to find a church because its for sure a sign of the Apocalypse.
Anyway. That's all I got. You let me know what you think. Share this trend with your friends. At the very least, its worth it to see the expression on people's faces as they see the pictures. Oh and if you are interested in actually learning more on this trend, here is a documentary recently posted. Its a bit long, but it will give you, in the words of Paul Harvey, the rest of the story...
BTW, Samuel is supposed to bring in his pair of Botas for show-and tell-on Tuesday. I can't wait to see them in real life!
ReplyDeleteInteresante. Avisame cuando esta moda llega a Minnesota para que you pueda mudarme a Wisconsin.
ReplyDeleteMuy Interesante...maybe they could be part of the new uniforms for a new school?
ReplyDeleteweirdly enough, I wouldn't mind a pair. :)
ReplyDeleteEstamos como el cangrejo, caminando para atras. Soy orgullosamente mexicana pero realmente esto da verguenza. Mexico tiene una gran historia para que vengan unos ignorantes y quieran hecharlo a perder todo. Hay otras formas de llamar la atencion, el mexicano se le considera que tiene mucha habilidad e imaginacion. Por favor usen su intelecto.
ReplyDeleteEstoy de acuerdo con toda tu investigacion y tu punto de vista pero creo que seria buena idea que lo traduzcas al español para que los mexicanos (as) como tu y que no saben ingles entiendan.
ReplyDelete¿Está usted diciendo que puedo usar mi intelecto o las personas que crean estos zapatos debe?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone here remember a vocal group called "Locomia" that came in early 90s hitting toplists with a couple of singles? They had pretty much the same kind of boots, im curious why at that time fans would not care how ridiculous their boots (and entire outfit) looked.
ReplyDeleteFunny, I was tipped off to this group a couple of days ago. They are ridiculous. Its a bit scary that this 90's Spanish Euro-pop group were sporting the same look. Hopefully the Matador outfits and fans won't catch on too!
ReplyDeleteNacooooooos!! Uta q verguensa me cae, cada ves mas populachos, cual es el afan inche estilo tan nefasto y ahi toda la bola de incultos a copiarlo, me da colera q estos tipos porten estos esquies con orgullo si de porsi las botas son un asco aho rd a mas, ponganse a estudiar y superarse no anden con estas ridiculeses.
ReplyDeletechale... tanta belleza que hay en Mexico para mostrar... pero tmbn hay mucho chuntaro que le vamos a hacer para todo da el mercado... yo no soy afin de esta moda pero si... es nefasta y ridicula... pero tomemoslo del lado amable en africa tambn hay aborigenes con vestimentas raras.. dejemos que los aborigenes mexicanos tmbn se deshonguen lo bueno que las modas pasan y por favor raza colaboren para que no siga jamas!!!
ReplyDeletePinches ridiculos creen q llaman la atencion, no les dar verguensa ponerse esas chingaderas. Lo peor de todo q los gabachos piensan q todos somos iguales de ignorantes quisiera saber quien fue el pendejo q invento esa mamada
ReplyDeleteAww mayn these guys look like idiots. Sorry I feel bad in a way for saying that, wait a minute no I don't.
ReplyDeleteOk here we go-can you imagine if one of these guys get in a fight they would get the boots put to em'
Haaaa haaaa. If they have to run across the border the other boots that were shorter and pointy would work better to climb the fence. And you call that competion dancing pleasssss! Can anyone say payasssso/clown. I bet when they pull up to the club if those f-350s or dodges as soon as the door of the truck opens they get out and slide right up to the entrance. Gonna have to start making bigger clubs.
You don't have to use a pointer finger anymore, he went that way. Aww many I could get going on this funny shiiiii. How about when the lights come on, Coach Roaches skatter everywhere, you could always catch the ones in the corner with the short pointy boots. Not anymore. They would also be a great nose picker. OK IM DONE. THEY LOOK SUMB AND THAT'S THAT. DENVER,CO